Thursday, February 2, 2017

Kit Kat Sushi Bars

Kit Kat Japan has launched sushi-inspired bars that come in tuna, egg, and sea urchin varieties.

What started out as an April Fool’s joke has become reality, with a trio of new limited-edition Kit Kat sushi confectioneries launched to promote Tokyo’s newest Kit Kat boutique in the Ginza neighborhood.

Before you turn your noses up at the thought of chocolate sushi, however, note that while the yellow, pink and orange bars are meant to denote three popular sushi bites — Maguro (tuna), Tamago (egg), and Uni (sea urchin) — the taste is actually raspberry, pumpkin and Hokkaido cantaloupe, reports Kotaku.

A base of puffed rice bound with white chocolate mimics mounds of sushi rice, while the seaweed is, well, just seaweed.

The idea to create sushi-inspired Kit Kat bars — the logical choice for Japanese customers — was born when an April Fool’s joke last year became a runaway hit.

Kit Kat Japan is known for its range of novelty flavors, having released a whopping 300 flavors including wasabi, edamame, cherry blossom and sake, throughout the years.

CNN notes that the chocolate sushi will be available for a limited run between Feb. 2 – 14 for visitors who spend $26 at the new Ginza Kit Kat Chocolatory shop.

The post Kit Kat Sushi Bars appeared first on Pursuitist.

from Pursuitist

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