Tuesday, December 26, 2017

8 Years and Counting of TSLL!

Eight years ago today, out in the solitary countryside of Wallowa County, TSLL blog began with nothing more than gratitude for the means to tap, tap, tap away on the keys and perhaps connect with other individuals enjoying life in a similar manner, interested in similar aesthetics and finding the gumption to just be themselves in a world that sometimes felt a little too quick, a little too surface and a little too unaware of how amazing so much of the everyday could be savored, let alone the once-in-a-lifetime moments.

As the blog celebrates its eighth anniversary and begins to step forward into its 9th year of posting, sharing, connecting and ultimately remaining curious about how to live well on an everyday income, my eagerness is abundant. As well, while my hopes are high, my energy is building up as much will be needed as, if past years are any indication, there are always new, exciting and unexpected opportunities and ideas that bounce across my path that I cannot help but say ‘yes’ to.

Whether you are a new regular visitor, a long-time TSLL reader or someone just happening upon the blog today and curious to see what it is all about, thank you for your interest and, ultimately, your curiosity about how to reach your full potential and elevate your everydays.

Over the past weekend, while traveling to my parents’ home in the country nestled in the snow and frigid temperatures, one of the handful of podcasts I listened to was Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations. This particular episode was with positive psychologist Shawn Anchor. And when Oprah asked him the question, “What is happiness?” his response brought a spontaneously smile from ear to ear as everything I have given my wholehearted attention to as the benefit of living simply luxuriously truly embodies his answer:  “Happiness is the joy we feel while striving for our potential.” 

My interpretation of the idea of “striving for our potential” is the feeling we finally realize when we have taken the time to quiet ourselves, listen and honor what we discover about what we are passionate about, what we care deeply about, what our true and unique talents are and begin to let these truths be our guide regardless of outside noise, roadblocking or misunderstanding. Eventually, if the creation and evolution of TSLL blog is any indication, you begin to connect with those who do understand or at least wish to learn more, and the most unexpected, magical and truly wonderful and honest connections are made.

Thank you, and may we all step ever further toward bringing to fruition our own unique simply luxurious lives as the ninth year of TSLL begins. I will continue to do my best to be your guide, and of course your cheerleader from afar no matter where you call home.

For the remainder of the week through Sunday December 31, the blog will be featuring the TOP POSTS in each category regularly shared on the blog for this past year. Yesterday the top episodes of the podcast for 2017 were shared and just moments ago, the top Style Inspiration posts of 2017 were also shared. And rest assured, beginning on Monday January 1st, a new episode of the podcast will air, a giveaway will be opened to enter AND an extra post of inspiration to kick off 2018. I do hope you’ll stop by, and until the next time TSLL tickles the curiosity of your fingers while you’re online, happy holidays.



~Something to Celebrate – 1st Anniversary!

~In Celebration – 2nd Anniversary!

~TSLL Celebrates 5 Years!

~TSLL Celebrates 6 Years & A Look Back at 2015

~TSLL’s 7th Anniversary!

from The Simply Luxurious Life®

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