Saturday, October 28, 2017


Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

With the amount of traveling I’ve been doing lately, there’s nothing I love more than spending time at home, with James, Stella, and Thomas. Life is busy enough as it is, so there’s really no point in making it more busy, right? Yet, I owe it to my kids, my husband, and my friends to not completely turn my back to the world when I’m back home, mastering the art of cocooning…

I love to spend my weekends in my pajamas, and so does James. Thomas is the active one of us, and Stella follows in his footsteps. On many occasions they would go out on Saturdays together – of course after our breakfast at home, drinking our home-made coffees, and freshly baked waffles with red fruit – and do groceries, or go to one of Thomas’ favorite thrift stores. He’s incredible good in “finding cool things for the apartment” so I give him that moment. And honestly, there’s nothing cuter than seeing the two of them leave together, going on a mission, having some real father-daughter time.

James and I would stay home. In our pajamas. Because that’s what we love. We would watch a movie, play with his legos, or just hang. We are so good at it, that it’s scary. It’s a good thing our family is so balanced, because we definitely make sure we all get the best of both worlds. I make sure we all take a moment to rest – which I need so badly any time of the week – and Thomas gets our butts of the couch and out of the apartment. In the end, James and Stella obviously go where we go, and they don’t seem to object with any of it any time. Is that unique? Or are they just really easy kids? Either way, let me assure you, they are angles with little devils on their shoulders. So sweet, but so naughty at the same time.

Last weekend for example, on a gloomy but warm Fall morning, I find James in his bathroom, climbed up the cupboard, to check his new Bonpoint outfit and decided whether to go with the hat or not. I MEAN! Of course I loved seeing him like that, being his own person, and deciding himself what to wear and how, but he could have fallen and… Oh… I don’t even want to think about the rest! We ended up with a hat from last year’s winter collection from Bonpoint. His favorite.

Stella on the other hand, she doesn’t really care what she’s wearing, as long as it doesn’t involve dresses – or as she says “jurks”, the wrong Dutch way to pronounce “multiple dresses”. Anyway, I almost had to bribe her into her new Bonpoint one, although the socks might have done the trick. Just like mommy, she thought those were really nice, and she loved pulling them all the way up. We decided that the socks would go really well with her new dress “see!” And I held the dress in front of her when I put her on the cupboard in her bathroom to take a look in the mirror. I wonder where they get their behavior from… Parenting is hard… I won’t put them up there anymore, but cut me some slack, I still haven’t found the perfect full-body mirrors for the apartment :)

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

Bonpoint Fall 2017 by Charlotte Groeneveld for Thefashionguitar

James is wearing a Bonpoint sweater, pants, and shoes | Stella is wearing a Bonpoint dress, socks, hair-clips, and shoes.



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